Saturday 16 April 2016

Recent Progress In The Field Of Stem Cell Therapy

Research based on Stem Cell therapy is addressing a huge continuum of medical conditions using varied types of stem cells. Stem cells are an unlimited source of live cells, which comes with self-repair capability. Recently there has been a great progress in the field of research and development of Stem Cell therapy.  This has given hope for treatment of diverse degenerative diseases and disorders. The recognition of atypical population of these cells in organs and tissues has cropped up as a source of progenitor or multipotent stem cells, which can be used for tissue engineering and therapies based on replacement.
A few years back, limited funding and supply were the major roadblocks in the way of Stem Cell therapy in India. With the introduction of pluripotent cells, new possibilities have been generated for cancer investigations. Adult and embryonic cells put forward the possibility of transplanting cells for self-renewal. Treatment of burns has been a major achievement in Stem Cell therapy in India. The gene and Stem Cell therapy has been combined together for treating skin burns and blistering diseases. Other than skin related conditions, this therapy has also proved successful for curing immunodeficiency disorders. To treat such conditions, blood cells are extracted and are then introduced to a kind of adenosine deaminase gene in lab conditions before transplanting it back into the patient.
Existing research on Stem Cell therapy in India also focus on treatment of spinal cord injury. After the recognition of adult as well as embryonic neural cells and their localization, new avenues for treating spinal cord injury have come up. The target of such transplants includes neurodegenerative diseases, brain injury, and even stroke. In Europe, a trail on embryonic stem cell has been recently approved for treating a major reason behind blindness in adolescents.
The ultimate purpose of Stem Cell therapy is replacement of damaged organs, but with constant trial and research, the scope of this therapy is rising continuously. Trials to ensure efficiency and safety of such therapies are also in progress, so that these can made available on a wide scale across the globe, specifically in developing countries like India.

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