Sunday, 22 May 2016

Stem Cell Treatments for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy: an umbrella term for group of degenerative brain disorders, causing various degrees of neuromotor impairment and physical disability. Many factors can be openly link up with the condition such as but limited to infection before birth, premature birth, lack of oxygen as well as severe mental injury during birth. There is at present no treatment available conventionally that is been approved; but can stem cells treatment help and if the answer is yes, is it really necessary to wait for the approval?

Studies are ongoing to minimize the symptoms associated with the condition if not managed altogether. Various supportive treatments have been formulated such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. to improve locomotion and audiovisual skills of the children. Some oral muscular relaxants are available to tackle muscular stiffness and thereby functional loss. However, it has to be noted that all these treatments are only supplementary without any reversal in the condition. In this regard, various new strategies are being explored by the healthcare market to initiate an alternative solution that can make a big difference.

Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Stem cells treatment are expected to reverse the damage in the brain to reverse the symptoms. The disease is mainly associated with the neuronal damage, halting the transmission of signal from brain to different muscular organs of the body; leading to their damage. Scientists believe that the ability of stem cells is very impressive to change the scenario. Stem cells are known to be key cells in creating different tissue specific cells; during the human development. These cells with each division give rise to stem cells and tissue specific cells. The produced stem cells are stored by the organ’s future applications. These stored stem cells help the organ to cope up after normal wear and tear of the body. The advanced technology has now enabled to redirect different stem cells from different organs of the body and enrich them at the required site of injury to accelerate the recovery.

Thus, in case of neuronal diseases such as cerebral palsy, wherein the individual is affected with the high degree of brain cells death, stem cells treatment can definitely be useful in regenerating the weak cells or creating new cells to restore back the function to a significant degree.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Stem cells Treatments for Macular Degeneration

Age related macular degeneration is a type of degenerative eye disorder with the rigorous impact on the mental and physical well being of the individual. Considering the rising population getting affected with the problem, it has been estimated that by the end of 2020, more than 10 million people will be affected globally, impacting a socioeconomic burden of the healthcare market. It is the most obvious cause of vision loss in the elderly people; forcing them to be completely dependent, if untreated for a longer period of time.

As the name suggest, AMD is a progressive declinatory disorder of the macula; a central part of the retina. This is the primary organ responsible for vision. It has been cited from different studies that patients who are suffering with the diseases, have undergone major loss of macular photoreceptor cells such as rods and cones and supportive epithelial cells. There are full proof evidences that people who have undergone stem cells treatment with autologous as well as allogenic implantation of cells in the macular region; have restored their vision without any major side effects. Reports have also been published, which are concluding overall three lines improvement in the standard visual acuity charts with the notable improvement in general as well as peripheral vision.

Stem cells are the unique cells with the ability to differentiate into various cells, as per the signal initiation of the organ. These cells are present in abundance in many organs, which have been explored by through scientific advancements. These unique functions of stem cells symbolize them as very effective candidates to alter the pattern of treatment in a healthcare industry. They can definitely be opted as safe, effective solutions; available naturally in human body, which can alter the loss as swiftly as possible without much hassle of immune rejection, costly surgery or long term wait for organs.

The data has also listed, the safety and efficacy of the human stem cells to alter or stop the progressive visual loss in the people with the age related macular degeneration and have certainly marked an exciting step in applying stem cells as a safe options for effective medical conditions. 

Friday, 13 May 2016

Stem cells Treatment for Arthritis

Lifestyle changes have welcomed various health concerns like overweight, reduced bone density, infertility, etc.; which are indeed responsible for variety of underlying dangerous conditions such as arthritis. It has been estimated that around 50% people, over the age 65 can have arthritis. Hence, in developed countries, arthritis can be one of the leading health issues, which need to be tackled well within time to avoid increased social economic burden.

Arthritis can be categorized as an inflammatory, joint disorder; affecting multiple joints at a time. The condition has more than 100 subdivisions, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as the most common forms. It is simply known to be a slowly progressive disease, affecting persons of any age groups; although women are known to be more prevalent than men.

Our joints are made up of joining of two bones to allow easy movement. These joints are being protected with the underlying tissue named, cartilages. The cartilages are soft, spongy tissues; acting as beds in between the two bones. Due to the presences of these tissues, the friction between the two bones is reduced, while joints are in mobile state. The cartilages are as well supported with the presence of synovial fluid, which is helpful in shock absorption. Thus, the entire assembly can access an easy and long term functionality of joints. However, variety of issues such as obesity, smoking, poor diet, etc. can create non significant inflammatory responses, which can degenerate these supportive tissues such as cartilages and synovial fluid; exposing bones to outer shocks and friction, leading to their damage.

Stem cells are the young, privileged cells with the capacity to differentiate into cells of different origin. The property of stem cells can be uniquely identified to be potential treatment for arthritis patients. Autologous stem cells isolated from two different sources such as adipose tissue and/or bone marrow can provide mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells in abundance. These stem cells are enriched in the laboratory and infused back in the patient’s joints to avail maximum benefits of tissue function restoration. Once inside the body, these stem cells are known to reach at the site of injury, due to their strong communication pathways with other cells, secrete growth factors to reduce the inflammation and elicit strong immunological reactions to speed up the process of healing. Stem cells, in case of joints problems or arthritis are known to induce cells of Chondrocytes origin and get differentiated into cartilages. Once differentiated into cartilages, there can be reduced friction and pain associated with OA.

Thus, considering their anti-inflammatory and regenerative capacities; there are pretty good reasons to say that these stem cells can be good candidates for treatment.

To know more about Arthritis Treatment & Stem Cell therapy in India visit our website :